Not Just Twice, Paula Deel Keeps Adding Her Trash
CSD chairwoman triples down with more hillbilly thinking.
Posted: December 17, 2024
Newberry Springs Community Alliance
by Ted Stimpfel
Bizarre! Paula Deel needs to fact-check herself.
During the Newberry CSD Board meeting on December 10, 2024,
both Directors Mike Matson and Jack Unger questioned Chairwoman Paula
Deel's statement that the CSD should still be following an eleven-year-old
advisement from a Grand Jury panel.
As reported in the previous news
in November (2024) Deel was promoting a policy that continued a restriction
on the audio recording of CSD meetings. In early December, she realized that
the policy didn't include videos.
She then quickly jumped on the pettiness of wanting the
CSD's policies to restrict videos! Gasp! The clogging of such
ridiculous agenda items by Deel (and Director Jack Unger) on monthly meetings
makes public attendance at the meetings tedious! The meetings run for
Director Matson reasoned that the current board doesn't have
the problems that a Grand Jury reported over a decade ago. He stated that
restricting board recordings based on another board's failures may not be
relevant. Director Unger followed with statements aligning with Director
Snipped from an August 29, 2024, news blog, the photo shows
Mike Matson and Jack Unger with Paula Deel (seated). Note the
unprofessional and dingy t-shirt that Jack Unger is wearing.
(A probable future news blog.)
At the root of the problem, Matson and Unger accepted
Paula Deel's delusional claim that the 2012-2013 Grand Jury allegedly
advised against the public good of the CSD audio recording its meetings.
There has been public testimony that Deel's understanding
is in grave error and that the
Grand Jury report
says nothing about what Paula Deel claims. Deel has failed to
substantiate her claim and Mike Matson and Jack Unger should not have
erred in accepting Paula Deel's disproven argument.
There is nothing from the Grand Jury's office
that audio or video recordings should not be done. Paula Deel should
understand how absurd her argument is under California's disclosure
laws that support open government and transparency.
Unfortunately, Directors Robert Springer, Margie Roberts,
Mike Matson and Jack Unger eventually voted unanimously to accept Paula
Deel's misguided amendment to add a policy restricting video recordings
of board meetings.
This is as bad as the management of public office
can be. The previous month the CSD board upheld the existing policy
from General Manager Le Hayes' reign of ceasing the audio recording of
board meetings to this month's blockage of video recordings.
Why is Chairwoman Paula Deel so fixated on blocking
public knowledge of the workings of the CSD board? Why is she so
nervous about the meetings being recorded?
Where is the bogeyman? Public testimony has
been given to the Board that there is nothing in the Grand Jury's report
supporting Paula Deel's assertion.
Why won't Paula Deel fact-check herself? Is the
79-year-old aging out of competency? Look at the indicators. Does
she imagine what isn't there? Every community organization
that she is associated with is floundering.
Deel has been given another 4 years to sit on
the Newberry CSD board. While she volunteers many hours at the CSD
office and has been helpful with the community's social events, the
community has been deteriorating on important matters that benefit
the long-term.
As with President Biden, there is a conflict between
ego and sensible retirement.