
Newberry CSD protesters pack the June 28th board meeting.


    CSD General Manager Responsible    

Mismanagement Of The CSD Continues
To Infuriate The Fantastic Volunteers
Of Newberry's Commodities

  Posted: July 5, 2022
Newberry Springs Community Alliance
'For those who want to know more
about Newberry Springs.'

by Ted Stimpfel

Celebrating over 11 years of news blogs.

More revelations on the mythical

fairyland thinking of the li'l CSD Elf.

    Despite witnessing so many CSD failures and missed opportunities for Newberry Springs, I do find humor in some of the pitiful antics of the CSD directors.  They are so egregiously bad, they are sometimes funny.

    You know that you are deep into someone's psyche when director Jack Unger continues to publicly blame you for things that you have no connection to.

    What kind of a disturbed mind does someone have to center me as the center of his black-hole universe?

    Unger's latest accusatorial post was on Facebook, Sunday, July 3, 2022, and is pasted below.

Click to enlarge.

    Let me first address the top of Jack Unger's post.  He spins it as if it was so nice to see so many people showing up in support of Commodities.  What he isn't disclosing, or he is too lame to see, was that the people attending were there because they were angry and highly pissed off at the CSD.

    They were not there to praise Commodities but to express their anger at the directors and the General Manager who they believed had unnecessarily transgressed against them.


    To capsulized what had happened (I did not witness the event but I have heard the descriptions from both sides at three different meetings), the Commodities delivery truck had to make its monthly delivery a day early.

    The delivery truck can only be unloaded in front of the door to the CSD's office because the hydraulic pallet trolley used to unload the large pallets of food need the concrete that is adjacent to the office door.

    When the unexpected delivery supplies blocked the normal entrance to the office, I understand that the General Manager, Jodi Howard, went into a verbal hissy assault upon the volunteers that escalated into an earful pissing match between multiple parties.

    Jodi Howard's point was that the truck was unloading on an unauthorized day and that it shouldn't be there obstructing the business entrance to the CSD office.

    Rather than professionally de-escalating a matter that she had stirred up over a minor inconvenience, she enflamed the issue by calling the Sheriff's Department which responded.

    Yes, Jodi Howard called the Sheriff's Department because her doorway was temporarily obstructed by food being unloaded for the needy.

    During the board meeting, CSD president Robert Springer expressed that both sides could have acted better, but he failed to acknowledge that the matter was initiated by the CSD.  There was no apology from the CSD board.

    I have silently listened during the two board meetings and a third meeting held on the subject and I have not heard how many members of the public were inconvenienced by not having direct access to the CSD office during the approximate 1 hour of the truck's unloading.

    Was it one, maybe two, or possibly none?  Yet, the volunteers feed hundreds of hungry Newberry residents!

    Where should the CSD's concern be?  Should there be worry that if someone shows up for a burn permit, the person might be temporarily inconvenienced, or should the CSD's concern be in assisting Commodities placing food on the table for the many children in Newberry's food desert?

    Currently, the CSD's management seems so skewed.

    I am not sure but I presume that the CSD's office was accessible through the door to the CSD's meeting room.

    The work of the volunteers is hard and tedious.  The volunteers have no control over the food delivery but they inconvenience themselves and they show up whenever the truck comes and they truly give of themselves.

    I consider them Newberry's angels who deserve far more respect and better treatment than that given by the CSD's General Manager.

Double Trouble

    Commodities is not an organization.  It has only been people who respond to help their neighbors.  As such, Commodities has never had a formal written relationship with the CSD.  Now after the General Manager's childish tirade, she is doubling down by formalizing the CSD's relationship with the Commodities operation.

    She is having the CSD's Policies rewritten to tighter control the Commodities presence and operation.  Some of the proposed new wording irks the volunteers but the policies are still being worked out.

    After many years of the CSD's cooperation, the current General Manager has strained a close relationship.

    The leading Commodities spokesperson has been Juan Figueroa, the person that Jack Unger insinuates that I am ghostwriting for.  Yeah, I think that Jack Unger is freaking nuts!

    I have only seen Juan Figueroa at a few meetings.  I consider him a rough speaker and a lousy writer as I struggle to understand many of his social media posts.  However, he does communicate and while unpolished, I find myself learning more from him than all of the CSD board members combined.

The clock.

    The CSD now has a large 3-minute countdown display clock to intimidate public speakers to talk within a 3-minute restricted time period during public meetings.  While some speakers do over-talk nonsense, some important matters can not be addressed within 3-minutes.

    Few people usually attend CSD meetings due to good cause.  It is a place one goes to, to be ignored and disrespected.  If the board can not listen to a concerned citizen for more than 3-minutes on an important community issue, the board should voluntarily vacate.

    The 3-minute limitation is an arbitrary and capricious unconstitutional rule that infringes upon the public's right of redress.

Jack Unger

    Jack Unger writes (presumably of me, T.S.), "...the only way to stop these "playground bullies" is to stand up to them.  Until we face them down, they will keep verbally and emotionally abusing the good people of our community."

    If standing up against the immoral corruption and the malfeasance of the CSD is being a bully, then Jack can call it bullying.  However, my blogs are backed with documentation and they support the community.  The only "we" described by Jack Unger is himself and the board.

The Right of Free Speech.

    At the last CSD meeting, the community was present and enraged against the CSD's General Manager's verbal and emotional abuse against the angels of Newberry.  It is the public's right and responsibility to stand up against the board's abusive management.

    Perhaps, it is the good Commodities folks that Jack Unger is calling "bullies" as they are rallying against the CSD's abuses.  So, are the "playground bullies" the community's Commodities volunteers?

    Today we have people that are being forced out of their Newberry "forever" homes and moving elsewhere because of Jack Unger and the board's stupidity in mishandling the Clearway Energy project.  Unger and the other board members (minus Margie Roberts) have collectively cost this community's residents millions of dollars by creating a depressed real estate market and future medical bills.

    Jack Unger and the other CSD board members are slowly being recognized for who and what they are.  Friendly neighbors but incompetent and failures in running the Newberry CSD.

    This coming November, the district seats of Robert Springer, Jack Unger, and Victoria Paulsen, are coming up on the election block.  Hopefully, voters will remember the damages and the failures to advance the community that these people have caused Newberry Springs.

Remember the morally corrupt Newberry CSD board that green lighted Clearway:
Robert Springer  •  Paula Deel  •  Jack Unger
Vicky Paulsen  •  Larry Clark
(now ret.)

    Anyone who feels that the solar projects in the Silver Valley are (or will be) physically impacting their pulmonary function is encouraged to join our activist victims' group.


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