
    Setting The Record Straight    

A Look Into The Scandalous Solar
Mismanagement By The
Newberry CSD

  Posted: June 22, 2022
Newberry Springs Community Alliance
'For those who want to know more
about Newberry Springs.'

IMHO by Ted Stimpfel
This webpage can be reached at:

Newberry CSD excuses are debunked.

    The Newberry CSD is the only local governmental body that we have to represent the local issues impacting our community.  Although its governmental arm is limited, it does have the power to be influential and address many issues.

    Informed Newberry readers of this news blog already understand the exhibited core stupidity of the Newberry CSD board that has led us to the blowing dust problem.  A major responsible player in the fugitive dust problem is the delusional CSD director Jack Unger.

    I don't like to use derogatory terms to describe anyone as I am known for my Love.  But sometimes, there is just no other way to adequately describe a situation than to accurately credit someone as a thoroughbred Jackass.  Justification follows.

Jack Unger

    This news blog is in rebuttal to a Facebook posting by narcissistic Jack Unger.  He acquired office through the heavy promotion by CSD director Paula Deel who during the 2018 election wanted Jack Unger and soft-minded Victoria Paulsen elected so that Paula Deel could influence and manipulate them as her voting block on the CSD board.

    Since 2018, Jack Unger, Victoria Paulsen, Paula Deel, and Robert Springer (CSD president) have all been on the CSD board.  During this period, Newberry has suffered and has deteriorated due to their leadership failure.

    Both Victoria Paulsen and Jack Unger have recently posted misleading and false spins on Facebook trying to distance and absolve themselves of their traitorous Clearway actions against the community.  But the Clearway record clearly places responsibility on them.

    Here is a blabbering rant by Jack Unger that I will use to expose Unger's limited mindset and incompetency.  Please read carefully.

Click to enlarge.

    Doesn't Jack Unger know who the Newberry CSD sued ?
He repeatedly writes above that the CSD sued Clearway Energy !

Wrong, Jack !
You are spreading Jackass information.

    The lawsuit was against the County over the issuing of permits.  Clearway Energy (Daggett Solar Power Facility) was only a Real Party In Interest.  Clearway had done nothing wrong.

    Jack Unger was the leading CSD board member organizing the litigation (and the CSD's solar answer man).  Yet, Jack Unger obviously still doesn't understand the litigation.  It is no wonder that today we have blowing dust.  Look below on the court document for who the defendants were (Not Clearway):

    In line after line in Jack Unger's above post, he foolishly writes about how big Clearway is and that fighting such a financial resource is impossible.  Bullshit !  Jack, you are a fool.

It was the County, Jack !  The County was sued !  Not Clearway.

    As a consumer advocate, I have filed many lawsuits.  One that I filed in pro per, lasted nearly five years.  I pursued it by myself as a legal layman against a defense law firm that had over 250 attorneys and a staff of another 550.  Big league stuff.

    In that case alone, I personally argued twice before the 2nd District Appellate Court and I had numerous Superior Court appearances.  My total cost was under $30-thousand (most all spent on trial).

    I know how litigation works.  Contrary to Unger's above posted statement, he is the one who doesn't understand litigation.

    When you have a very strong public case as the CSD had, you can acquire financial support.  Photovoltaic solar has national enemies.

    The Friends of Newberry Springs were part of the CSD's filing against the County.  If the CSD didn't feel that it could muster the funds to pursue the matter, the Friends of Newberry Springs were available.  Without any solicitation, the Friends received volunteer pledges totaling $27,000.  And that was all local without asking.

    Unfortunately, Mr. Unger and the other CSD directors completely shut out the Friends of Newberry Springs from any legal dialogue.  And then the CSD secretly settled the suit without prior notification or acquiring the Friends of Newberry Springs' approval.  Actually... crooked Jack Unger deceitfully stepped in and phenomenally lied, scamming the court by claiming to be the Friends for settlement.

    As a board member, that appears to be a conflict of interest and a major sham misrepresentation before the court.

    Background: The audio below offers an interesting insight.  When the residential Friends of Newberry Springs wanted a seat at the litigation's MSC (Mandatory Settlement Conference) required by courts before proceeding, a participation seat that would have interfered with the CSD's sellout, Jack Unger and the other colluding CSD board members suddenly had a drafted script that Jack Unger alone was the Friends of Newberry Springs.

Jack Unger's scripted scenario, probably drafted by the CSD's attorney, obstructed the Friends of Newberry Springs' demand to participate in the MSC.

Recorded at the February 25, 2020, CSD Board meeting.

    In the above audio, Jack Unger also discusses reaching out on a national level for financial support, yet the CSD capitulated without ever reaching out and asking anyone for funds.  Jack and the lying CSD board members are full of contradictions.  The CSD never needed a separate organization to ask for help.

    Besides, at that point in time, the CSD didn't need to ask for more funds to continue.  The CSD was holding non-taxpayer funds, years ago directed to the CSD by the successful plaintiffs in the Kiewit Pacific settlement.

    According to Le Hayes, the previous General Manager, the KP balance is slightly over $138K and that the money is in a bank CD.

    The funds were given to the CSD to be used for the community in matters that the CSD couldn't use tax-generated funds for.  The County litigation was a perfect fit for those funds.

    So, funds were available to continue the litigation from multiple sources.  Why did the idiot CSD board members surrender ?

    If Jackass and the CSD felt that Clearway had millions and millions of dollars to spend on litigation, why did the CSD stupidly allow Clearway to step into the County litigation and settle the matter for so little money?   $200,000 ?

    Below is the court filing describing who the Friends of Newberry Springs are.   What do you see?   Ask yourself, does the legal description for the Friends describe Jack Unger?

Click to enlarge.

    Why did Jack Unger lie and scheme to take away the community residents' right to be properly represented ?  What is so pervertedly wrong with this narcissist guy (and the other directors) to leave us with the carnage of toxic blowing dust that will negatively impact the health of the adults and the children of Newberry?

    Unger writes in his posting, "1) this big mouthed liar is a very intelligent man...", so why isn't Unger smart enough to listen to this intelligent man ?

    Jack Unger closes his babbling by stating... "so 2) how could he NOT UNDERSTAND that fighting a lawsuit to the end against a BILLION dollar company requires millions and millions of dollars???"

    First, the lawsuit was never against "BILLION dollar" Clearway, but against the County who could simply settle by withdrawing the tentative permit for the County's reconsideration.  Second, when it comes to big business, Jack Unger and the other CSD directors don't seem to understand big corporate business.

    This is probably why Unger talks so delusionally stupid and why he probably pees in his pants over his misconception that lawsuits cost "...millions and millions of dollars."  Lawsuits do not have to cost anywhere near that extreme exaggeration.

    If I am using descriptive terminology to describe the CSD clowns, its because I am tired of ignorant political hacks damaging the lives of others.

    If Jack Unger and the other CSD directors were peeing in their pants over imaginary litigation costs, I can assure you something...  The filing of the CSD's stunning litigation against the County probably had Clearway Energy terrorized !

    The CSD's filing likely sent a paralyzing fear shaking through the Clearway offices.  A protracted litigation delay over the construction permit, or the possible blocking of the permit altogether, would have had Clearway in a panic doing far more than the CSD directors.

    Yes, Clearway is a big company, and it is a subsidiary of Global Infrastructure Partners.  But with a huge project like the Daggett Solar Power, Clearway would be highly leveraged in its financial commitments to perform to a very tight timetable.

    You don't take any timeouts in developing an industrial 5.5-square-mile solar facility.  Crews and equipment, involving many hundreds of millions of dollars, are ordered and scheduled many months and years in advance.

    You don't transport and store 5.5-square-miles of ordered photovoltaic solar panels in someone's backyard.  And you are paying a monthly high cost on that unused equipment.

    The accumulative cost to Clearway of an extended delay over the CSD's challenge to the construction permit would be financially disastrous.  A nightmare.  The company would likely be forced to quickly settle for tens of millions of dollars or to relocate the project elsewhere.  The CSD's filing held power and control over the project.

    The Newberry CSD directors couldn't have played their strong hand any more stupidly.  They were utter fools.  They shook with amateur fear, pissed their diapers, and abandoned their solemn promise to the community to litigate the matter.  They were pathetic.  The traitors were:

Robert Springer  -  Paula Deel  -  Jack Unger
Vicky Paulsen  -  Larry Clark
(now ret.)

    So what did the CSD board settle for?  Unenforceable crap!  Meaningless settlement item after item that have no penalty if violated.  Sound barriers?  Urge the County and AQMD for monitors?  Shit after worthless shit !  This is what I define as stupidity.

    Clearway has greased many entities with money.  Some are known, others will probably be never known.  But should a CSD director like Victoria Paulsen be voting on Clearway issues when she operates an Airbnb that might financially prosper with Clearway's construction crews ?

    Or then director Larry Clark (ret. 2020), who openly voiced a pro-solar position and who operated a water well business that may acquire business from Clearway.  Shouldn't officials who could have a financial interest in a matter abstain from voting?

    The Newberry Springs voters elected the highest level of malfeasance and have now paid the price of toxic, carcinogenic silica dust.

    If we had directors who were intelligent enough to work with their community rather than following their superegos, we might have had a better outcome.

Remember the morally corrupt Newberry CSD board that green lighted Clearway:
Robert Springer  •  Paula Deel  •  Jack Unger
Vicky Paulsen  •  Larry Clark
(now ret.)

    Anyone who feels that the solar projects in the Silver Valley are (or will be) physically impacting their pulmonary function is encouraged to join our activist victims' group.


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