The following blog was posted on Facebook February 23, 2022.

Julie is right !
Julie is right about the solar problem, but she and Newberry
are too late to stop it. We have a worthless CSD. The board doesn't
care about keeping people safe. Both the CSD board and the County stink
of the abuse of public trust.
These egotistical politicians receive no community blowback.
No political punishment for their incompetence and failures. And,
their dumb to dumber constituents repeatedly reelect them.
It is too late to whine about the ecological destruction
caused by the Clearway Energy project. Supervisor Paul Cook proudly
supports the solar project as he supports the Cadiz project. Morally
corrupt Supervisor Dawn Rowe, who we will be switched to later this year,
has already voiced her priority to support the alien solar developers over
long-time residents.
It has taken the recent windstorm to wake up a few local
Blattner's bandaid.
In a short time, Blattner Energy will be spreading sufficient
soil adhesive binder to temporarily keep the visible sand from blowing and the
locals temporarily happy.
Over time, with vehicles, foot traffic, rain, heat,
temperature changes, and wind, the binder will break down and there won't
be any incentive to spend the many hundreds of thousands of dollars to
repeatedly reapply the binder over 5.5-square miles. There wasn't
an incentive with the Mountain View solar project and there isn't one
with the Clearway project.
The life-impacting reality.
Julie's above post seems to be about the inconvenience of
"sand and silt." There isn't any mention of particulate dust that
should be the awakening.
For those who understood my February 18, 2022,
news blog,
the information is unsettling.
The size of airborne particulate matter
(PM) for government records is typically measured in sizes of PM 10 µm or
PM 2.5 µm. µm (micrometer aka micron) being 1/1,000,000 of a meter,
or roughly .00004 inches in size.
Under the advice of silly CSD director Jack Unger, the
Newberry CSD board has been investing in consumer-grade Purple Air measuring
devices that measure PM 10 µm and PM 2.5 µm.
The California Air Resources Board has sponsored
research conducted at UC Davis that has revealed that particulate matter
smaller than PM .1 µm (1/10 µm) may be very hazardous
when breathed in with common Ozone (O3).
Newberry's airborne sand, while very visible, is largely
blocked from harming humans by the body's natural defenses. It is the
fine and ultra-fine particulate dust that is invisible that is lethal.
Lethal dust is mixed in with the blowing sand.
While high winds are necessary to lift the heavier grains of sand, only a
lite breeze will lift the deadly microscopic silica dust particles.
Clearway Energy's liability !
In short, the blading done by Blattner Energy for the
Clearway Energy solar project is disturbing and exposing ultrafine silica
that the slight desert breezes are now constantly launching over Newberry
This silica can not be seen, tasted, or even recorded.
But it is there, and over time, cumulatively deadly for some residents
as it coats the lining of the lungs, blood vessels, and other organs
creating deadly scar tissue within.
PM .1 µm is 10-times smaller than the MDAQMD's
(Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District) measurement equipment
can recognize (PM 1.0). The MDAQMD's equipment can only
measure down to PM 1 µm. Not the microscopic PM .1 µm
and smaller.
Most residents are ignoring the warnings believing that
they have always lived O.K. in the desert's blowing sand. Yes, the
past impacts of silica exposures may not be the cause of one's death
but the scarring of one's organ tissues may be a contributing factor.
An illustration.
Arsenic is an example of proportion. Trace amounts
of arsenic are often in the water we consume. In minimum quantity, we
live with it. In higher concentrations, arsenic can kill.
Likewise, in minimum quantity, we are impacted by silica
dust. But by the cumulative effect of inhaling the additional
concentration of silica dust from Clearway Energy, many will experience
serious health issues from a long list of silica-related ailments.
Clearway's silica dust is a California Proposition 65
recognized carcinogen.
Julie is wrong !
Asking TV channels 2, 4, and 7 to investigate is being
naive. They won't. They don't have the time for the investigation
of complicated rural situations miles away from their stations.
However, Julie's idea does hold merit. Regional TV stations will
air our situation if a Press Release to them already has the evidentiary
investigation and story laid out for them.
And yes, Julie could be correct that attorneys might
start coming out-of-the-woodwork smelling litigation success. As
the damages are constantly ongoing, there isn't a statute of limitations.
The CSD and its individual directors can be held personally liable.
The CSD directors' illegal and botched handling of the CSD's solar
litigation had multiple errs.