
    The setting sun on Saturday, September 26, casts a low shadow across the bottom of the billboard (top image) at the Newberry Springs Post Office.  Posted on the billboard are flyers that rile against Paula Deel's candidacy for CSD reelection.  Director Deel voted for the CSD to betray its promise to fight the Daggett Solar Power Project.

Posted: September 27, 2020
Newberry Springs Community Alliance
by Ted Stimpfel

    Flyer sheets showing a photograph of CSD director Paula Deel have been posted around Newberry.  The photograph was lifted from this website.  While the use of our Paula image was not preauthorized, we fully support its use.

    As will be outlined in an upcoming blog, Paula Deel has done a great deal of damage to Newberry Springs.  While voters have previously voted for her based upon name recognition, few understand her past which has been destructive to Newberry.

    Paula Deel's latest brain-fart in betraying Newberry Springs was voting to secretly end the Newberry CSD's litigation against the Daggett Solar Power Project.  This sellout was after the CSD in a public meeting agreed to fight the project in Superior Court.

    Furthermore, Paula Deel agreed with the other directors to secretly withdraw the legal action in such a manner that it illegally prevented the Friends of Newberry Springs from continuing the litigation.  This caused a crippling blow to the residents' voice in protecting their health and property values.

    It is reported that Deel or her supporters do not appreciate the Free Speech flyers and are removing them shortly after they are being posted.

    This blogsite has received e-mailed PDFs of the circulating posters that can be downloaded here and here.

    Traitor Paula Deel needs to have the sun set on her directorship. 
    Her diabolical efforts brought Vickie Paulsen and unfit Jack the Weasel onto the board for a mutual voting block that supported the disastrous solar settlement.
    Turncoat Paula Deel intentionally broke her promise and screwed the community.
    Yet, she now displays the terrible arrogance and the audacity to run for reelection !
    The question is, how much more of Paula Deel's politics will Newberry's voters tolerate ?

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