CSD director Jack Unger's mind is spaced in a world of his own, and it has deeply damaged Newberry Springs.
Bubbleheads On The
Newberry CSD Board
Posted: August 29, 2024
Newberry Springs Community Alliance
by Ted Stimpfel
Newberry Springs, CA - So many mindless acts bubbled out of the Newberry
CSD's monthly Board meeting on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.
One week earlier, directors Jack Unger and Margie Roberts
presented the CSD's appeal arguments on the Planning Commission's acceptance
of the BMT Minneola Solar project to the county's Board of Supervisors.
The presentation developed by Director Unger went off without
any incidents. The only problem, however, was the presentation was exceptionally
amateurish and void of any meaningful content.
Mildly stated, Jack Unger's presentation was asinine. He ignored
many legal points of contest that had been presented to him and the CSD that
were pertinent to the appeal's legal argument. Why he refused to use them
isn't known.
The CSD Board had originally voted to oppose the solar project
totally. Then after a hissy-fit tantrum by Director Unger, who didn't want to
change his presentation that supported the BMT Minneola Solar project, the remaining
board members foolishly caved. They voted to allow the childish pouting Unger
to give his presentation.
Why would the CSD Board file an appeal only to later flip
on the community's residents and support the solar project?
Why would the other board members cave into one director's
demands? Because they are incredibly weak individuals. Chairwoman Paula Deel
is Mickey Mouse. She doesn't like conflicts and refuses to take a strong stand
for the community, so she compromises.
Director Margie Roberts is whimpy. She lacks vision
and leadership skills. While volunteering to co-host the appeal presentation
before the Board of Supervisors, she ended up solely acting as the clicker-girl
advancing the presentation slides for the egotistical Jack Unger who dominated
the CSD's entire presentation.
The outcome of the appeal before the Board of Supervisors has
greenlighted the BMT Minneola Solar project to proceed. Directors Jack Unger and
Margie Roberts have been exclaiming what a wonderful job they have done.
But just what have these Bozos accomplished for us?
These two have given us yet another solar project that could
have been stopped. A solar project that will illegally add cumulative
carcinogenic dust upon the residents of Newberry Springs.
So what are directors Unger and Roberts so excited about? Well,
they got the Board of Supervisors and the solar developer to agree to all three of
their wanted conditions for the project's approval.
The first was that lithium-iron storage batteries would not
be permitted. ~ This was a stupid and a moot condition as storage batteries were never
a part of the project. Yet, half of Unger's presentation before the Supervisors
concentrated on lithium batteries. This alone muddied the presentation and made
it dorky.
Their second condition was that the solar project would
connect to the 12K distribution grid. ~ Well, that too has always been a part of
the project. So, the CSD directors were doubling down on Jack Unger's dorkness.
Yes, the presentation by Jack Unger and Margie Roberts was that bad!
The third condition that they pushed for was dust control.
~ While that may sound good, what they agreed to and got was even deeper stupidity.
They settled for the same exact County language that was used for the Clearway
Energy's Daggett Solar Power project.
We all know how that has impacted Newberry Springs. The original
idea of the CSD's appeal was to prevent such. But Unger's aging mind doesn't seem
to understand the implications of what he is doing. And everyone else suffers.
Happy, happy, happy! CSD directors Mike Matson and Jack Unger celebrate a birthday over Paula Deel
during the August 27, 2024, Board meeting.
Pay Raise
Chair and director Paula Deel didn't have to give any sales
pitch. Without allowing any prior public comments, she quickly placed a 50% raise
in the CSD's directors' stipend up for Board vote.
With surprising speed the measure quickly passed unanimously
as Deel found her CSD buddies ready to support their self-serving pilfering of
the CSD's treasury.
If an accident can happen, given time, it will!
With the threat of a major disaster from the many acres of
lithium-iron solar batteries upwind to Newberry Springs residents, the NSVFD
will be exploring ways to alert residents should an industrial solar battery
thermal runaway fire occur.
A lithium-iron thermal runaway fire erupts almost instantly.
This chemical-induced fire gives some downwind residents only about one minute
before being impacted by deadly fumes.
Director Unger has proposed a telephone tree warning system.
Because the alert timing would be of the essence, and because some people don't
have phones, or won't answer a phone while sleeping, I proposed a fire detector
being placed in each industrial solar lithium-iron battery compartment that would
be linked to instantly trigger sirens located throughout Newberry Springs.
The Newberry CSD and its directors are now liable!
Little known by most is that elected officials in California,
including CSD officials, owe a fiduciary duty to represent the highest and best
interests of their community that elected them.
The Newberry CSD has failed this with the BMT Minneola Solar
project. It appears that the CSD Board members allegedly operated
outside the scope of their authority in negotiating and accepting a 'Condition'
on the approval of the BMT permit that will allow additional cumulative
carcinogenic silica dust to endanger the public that they represent.
The CSD should have followed their original vote to fight to
kill the project. But by listening to Jack Unger, they stepped into deep shit!
Therefore, the Board members and their individual personal assets can be held
liable for the public's damages.
At the last Board meeting, I attempted to warn the Board of
this liability so that perhaps they could mitigate their failure by filing a
timely appeal of the BMT project on behalf of the community (not the CSD).
Unfortunately, the Chair, Paula Deel, did a power play by
cutting me off with the arbitrary and capricious 3-minute speaker limit.
Anyone who later feels impacted by the BMT dust is welcomed to contact me,
a legal layman, on the case law that can be applied to Paula Deel and
the other CSD directors (minus director Matson who spoke before the county
Supervisors opposing BMT).
These CSD clowns take a pay increase and refuse to protect the
lives and the property of those they represent. They need to be held responsible.
Newberry CSD director Margie Roberts.
The ineffective fiddling Jack while Newberry suffers with carcinogenic dust.