Posted: May 1, 2013
From top to bottom, Directors Wayne Snively and Diana Williams,
President Robert Royalty, General Manager Paulette Marshall, and Director Calvin Owens at the
April 23, 2013 Newberry CSD general board meeting. Director Kathleen Ridler to the left of
the photo is not shown.
Grand Jury report.
The long awaited Grand Jury investigation into the wayward Newberry CSD should be
completed by now; and it wouldn't be surprising to many if there are harsh recommendations.
Several CSD meetings were personally attended by Grand Jury members and numberous CSD documents
have been turned over to the Grand Jury investigators.
The Newberry CSD is regulated by the Local Agency Formation Commission
for San Bernardino county (LAFCO); a state agency that hasn't been happy with Newberry CSD's
operations and performance; especially with the local CSD's road grader fiasco a few years ago.
The Grand Jury's report may sway influence at LAFCO's next 5-year review of the service district.
LAFCO has previously stated an interest in consolidating the Silver Valley's community
service districts.
The Grand Jury's report is currently scheduled to be released on Friday, June 28
at 1 P.M. The portion of the report referencing Newberry Springs will be available promptly
on the Community Alliance Blotter.