
  Newberry CSD's Fireworks 

Posted: June 20, 2020
Newberry Springs Community Alliance
Blog by Ted Stimpfel

Fireworks Madness

    FIREWORKS!  Newberry CSD General Manager Jodi Howard appears irresponsibly focused on having a fireworks show.  I wish that she would have the wisdom of having at least some hesitation.

    Howard posted a claim that the CSD is having the fireworks because people have stated that they wanted it.  But how many have actually spoken?  10?  Maybe 20? ...from a population of over 2,000.

    I admit, obviously, far more in Newberry will welcome the fireworks, but Howard's claims were not supported by any documentation.  I believe that Newberry Springs is having the fireworks show solely because Howard and the CSD directors are too childish and immature to say no.

    While most everyone enjoys public fireworks, this is definitely the wrong time to have them.  The CSD is entrusted to act safely for the community and in this time of an expanding pandemic, the CSD board of directors and the General Manager are demonstrating wanton malfeasance.

    Many hundreds of people by nature will be enticed to come to the show.  Many from outside areas with the virus.  Although asked to stay within their vehicles for the show, many will get out of their vehicles and mingle during the festive event.  There will be no control over this behavior nor over the State's mandatory requirement of wearing a mask.

    Many will be purchasing food and using the restroom at the VFW.

    COVID-19 hasn't diminished.  It is with us stronger than ever.  Newberry Springs has been fortunate because it has a sparse population.  But by holding public events, the virus can be imported and spread to families within our community.

    For those who acquire the virus, a very small percentage will unfortunately die a scary and horrifying death by suffocation.  This is not a common virus that anyone intelligently gambles with.  By hosting the public fireworks event, a dangerous message is being sent to the community that the virus worries are over.

    As noted with the county's Sheriff cadets (above picture link), younger people can be asymptomatic and spread the disease without any knowledge.

    Currently, the infection rate of the virus has stabilized (slowed) allowing sufficient time for hospital room adjustments to handle a surge of new patients if necessary.  This availability of hospital beds has allowed the economy to partially reopen.  The deadly virus is, however, continuing to spread.

    The Newberry CSD's relaxing of their concern over COVID-19 appears reckless.  Why take an unnecessary community gamble for a 20-minute amusement show?

    The media news has recently revealed that some extended hospital patients are surviving only to be hit with medical bills nearing $1-million.  Anyone with medical expenses possibly linked to the Newberry fireworks can place a claim against the CSD for compensation.  The CSD is taking a gamble that any such filings with punitive damages wouldn't be upheld by a sympathetic jury.

    The vast majority of communities have canceled their fireworks shows.  Not because they wanted to, but because of the common-sense safety concern that Newberry CSD's officials lack.

"New and Dangerous Phase"

    The Newberry officials that voted for the fireworks, Robert Springer, Paula Deel, Vickie Paulsen, Jack Unger, and Larry Clark, don't comprehend that despite the economy reopening, the death-reaper is still harvesting.  We know human nature and that people will not stay within their vehicles during the fireworks show.  So why take any gamble?

    Well, maybe because the CSD directors feel that the gamble is personally not a risk to themselves.  Even if the fireworks show does spread the virus to others, it is hard to prove.  The directors get-off blameless and are blessed by the many happy residents who enjoyed the show.

    These are strange, hard times.  Responsible people are doing their part to fight the virus.  We know who the others are.

    The firework show typically costs over $10-grand.  If the CSD was serious about protecting the community, even saving it, the money would have gone into the legal defense against the Daggett Solar Power Project.

    But then, we also know how the CSD is irresponsibly handling that obligation.  A 20-minute firework show takes priority.

    The kids will naturally beg to see the fireworks.  Parents will need to keep them safe while attending and not bring anything uninvited home.

    Most people will attend a good show and return home elated, wondering what was all the fuss about.  Sadly, these will be those uninformed who will never understand nor care what just transpired within their community.

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                            circa 2020 ~ Ted

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