Brad Mitzelfelt
Continues His Reign Of Corruption

Mitzelfelt fails to excuse himself in conflict matter.

County abrogates EIR authority to Orange County special interests.

Brad Mitzelfelt
Brad Mitzelfelt at May 1, 2012 Board meeting.

      There is nothing more precious to the delicate balance of life and the desert eco-system than water; the essence of which is paramount to existance.

      The desert ground water of Cadiz, midway between Newberry Springs and Needles, California, is being jeopardized by foreign investors who are planning to drain a critical east Mojave Desert aquifier in order to sell water to Orange County and east Los Angeles County.

      The massive removal of water from the desert has been quietly promoted by local county district supervisor, Brad Mitzelfelt, who is now known to have accepted at least $48,100 from Cadiz, Inc., the major promoter behind the project.

      Other business entities on the water project are also supporting Brad Mitzelfelt.

      At a county supervisor Board meeting on May 1, 2012, despite numerous objections from the audience, the Board voted to accept a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Orange County promoters that places the profiteers in control of producing the required Environmental Impact Review (EIR).  This is a major conflict of interest.

      In additon to turning over its authority and responsibility to develop the EIR to the developers, the County of San Bernardino Board of Supervisors has also agreed to ridicious terms that places the opposing residents of San Bernardino County in a near impossible position to monitor, object, and fight the project and any later operating abuses.

      The MOU is extremely one-sided, mandating extreme requirements before future supervisors could address problems; and usually only then by the filing of litigation.

      Brad Mitzelfelt led supervisors Janice Rutherford, Gary C. Ovitt and Josie Gonzales in voting for the abomination.  Only Supervisor Neil Derry of the Third District voted against the MOU.

      "Brad Mitzelfelt has led the supervisors to a very dark place," states Ted Stimpfel of Newberry Springs, "the board members hold a fiduciary duty to serve the best benefit of the lives, liberty and property of the people they represent; not those living in Orange County."

      Stimpfel continued, "This is a massive abuse of power that will negatively affect future generations living in San Bernardino county.  Metzelfelt has delivered to those who gave him tens of thousands of dollars."

      The Newberry Springs property owners association will be hosting Brad Mitzelfelt on May 12, 2012 at 10 A.M. in the Newberry Springs Community Center.  Mitzelfelt is making a rare speaking visit to Newberry Springs to support of his bid to acquire the power of a congressional seat.
