Posted: October 30, 2022
Newberry Springs Community Alliance
by Ted Stimpfel
This coming November 8th, voters will once again
have an opportunity to elect their public officials. In the
past, they have usually failed it get it right.
While the emphasis is usually on the national and
state level offices, often overlooked are the local offices that
can have a major impact on our lives.
For Newberry Springs, an example is the Newberry
CSD in which the director seats are usually not filled by people
recognized for their competence, but rather by friends or
In short, the Newberry CSD is generally run by
incompetent people who bring us a mismanaged governmental organization
that snuggles up with the likes of Clearway Energy.
For the community's newly revamped ballpark, the
local CSD has acquired from Clearway Energy a scoreboard sign, and
recently, $15,000 in cash from Clearway to erect it. The
ballpark will also be graced, for at least one year, with a banner
thanking Clearway Energy for its gracious contributions to our
The CSD also acquired a donation from Blattner
Energy, Clearway's contractor, to level the ballfield.
For many Newberrians who have greatly suffered
severe health and financial injuries from Clearway Energy's
construction, praising and honoring Clearway is an abomination.
The mismanagement of the CSD offers so much
for the residents to puke on. The meetings are far too
long because the CSD president, Robert Springer, fails to
run the meetings according to Robert Rules of Order.
Rather than the directors voting on presentations
that are prepared and presented by the General Manager and staff,
the directors regularly engage in doing the introduction and the
background preparatory work of proposals during the general meetings.
This drags the meetings on for ungodly hours.
As illustrated by the September 2022, Minutes,
directors, like Jack Unger, are stepping in and doing the General
Manager's, Jodi Howard's, job tasks. Jack Unger has no business
taking it upon himself to personally speak with an insurance
carrier. That is the GM's job.
Whether or not an individual Board member has
confidence in the General Manager's capabilities, an individual
director's ego shouldn't be butting in.
Proposals for board action should first be handled
by staff and developed before being presented to the Board.
An ineffective fiddling Nero while Newberry suffers.
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