One week ago, on a Facebook thread regarding my
May 9th blog on blowing sand and dust, I posted the comments below
regarding the Newberry CSD's unprofessionalism.
After reviewing the CSD's upcoming meeting agenda, I
find the agenda as another excellent illustration for my earlier blogged
comments (snippet below).
The CSD's agenda for the next general board meeting
on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, displays items illustrating the board's
The board president, Robert Springer, is an intelligent
individual. One would think that as Chairman of the meetings,
he would recognize a properly prepared agenda. But, yet again,
the CSD is serving a nitwit stew.
Click here for enlargement.
Jack Unger
Director Jack Unger, a radio enthusiast, has been
trying to impress everyone with his 1940s ham radio savviness.
He is now crying wolf that the CSD needs more radio equipment for an
emergency (Agenda item: A). This then craftily centers him in a
lengthy narcissistic public discussion floating the idea.
But, Unger has failed to provide the board with adequate
data or anything concrete to justify a vote. This is a long
discussion item that has been carried over from last month.
In Agenda item: C, Jack Unger comes back again with
the idea of 'Building a Newberry Animal Shelter.' Unger's agenda item
acknowledges, "I know that we cannot spend money on this however we can
certainly discuss it and raise the level of community awareness."
No! Jack, No! Board meetings are not an
appropriate venue to throw out gimmicky soapbox ideas to be talked about
endlessly when they are clearly outside of the CSD's purview. You
have 1-minute at the end of the meeting for Directors' Comments.
BTW, Jack, if you haven't noticed, you don't "raise
the level of community awareness" by blabbering at a CSD meeting.
There is almost no one attending the meeting due to the painful experience.
The Purple Air Specialist
Meanwhile, at the time of this posting, the CSD's critical
Purple Air monitor (NCSD-002)
just east of the current Clearway solar installation, remains faulty
in its function. Jack Unger, who prides and labels himself
as a self-appointed Purple Air Specialist, has not been able to properly
maintain the air monitoring device.
Note, the 105 reading in the above link (screenshot taken on
the late morning of May 22) was during a time of a slight breeze as indicated
by the other valley monitors. According to the graph, both recording
elements of the device appear to be reading high.
Margie Roberts
Director Margie Roberts, who has brought us such
memorable laughs as the proposed installation of traffic signals for
Newberry Springs, has Agenda item: D. This is to upgrade the CSD's
kitchen to enable it to be rented out as a commercial kitchen.
The idea isn't as lame as some of her other suggestions
but like many agenda items, it is not properly vetted. A board meeting
is not supposed to function as a workshop for raw ideas. It is
supposed to work as a normal board, voting on actionable prepared items.
Few of the new proposals that come before the Newberry CSD board are
properly prepared and substantiated beforehand.
Before Margie Roberts presented the kitchen upgrade
as an agenda item, Roberts should have investigated the costs of bringing
the CSD kitchen up to the County's health code standards as a commercial
Margie Roberts should have researched what the kitchen
could be rented for. Who would rent the kitchen? Is there a
community need? Have there been any rental inquiries? Where
is the Profit and Loss proforma? Is the high capital outlay for a
potential private enterprise worth the risk of taxpayer dollars?
Is this yet another potential money loser ?
All of this (and more) should have been included in
Margie Roberts's original agenda item as an attachment. It is
not the board's job during a public meeting to spend considerable time doing
preliminary research. Com'on, Margie, do your homework !
The General Manager should not be placing such unsupported
matters on the agenda and the Chairman shouldn't be entertaining them.