Newberry Springs' CEQA-NOW
Looking For Answers From LAFCO

      The apathy of Newberry Springs' residents is well represented in their local leadership and civic organizations that have done little to expand the growth and well being of the community.  Newberry Springs is continuing a downward skidding spiral as opportunities are lost and citizens are being herded by well meaning but visionless leadership.

May 6, 2015

Letter of Inquiry

      The popularity of Newberry Springs appears to be dropping as fast as its depleting water table.  There has been a negative growth rate; a negative in its economics; a downturn in the average resident's standard of living; and a flatline in the community's management.

      CEQA-NOW has released a letter sent to the Local Agency Formation Commission for San Bernardino County seeking, in part, clarifying answers regarding the limitations of the Newberry Community Service District; and whether the CSD board has to be as inept as it is in addressing the pressing needs of the community.

CEQA-NOW's letter to LAFCO

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