
  BMT Minneola Solar Project  
Approved By Planning Commission

Posted: May 9, 2024
Newberry Springs Community Alliance
by Ted Stimpfel

Developer has been given the green light
unless someone appeals within 10 days
to the County's Board of Supervisors.

    The Planning Commission unanimously approved the BMT Minneola Solar project at a morning hearing in San Bernardino on May 9, 2024.

    The Commission ignored the two-dozen plus letters from residents, dismissing them immediately after the Land Use Services planner, Oliver Mujica, announced their existence.

    I provided the only oral opposition, but I was limited to only 3 minutes while Oliver Mujica (LUSD), the applicant's engineering representative, and the applicant were all given unbridled time to give their sales pitch promoting the project.

    It is amazing how people who know so little can presume to know what is best for others.

    These solar developments will keep on coming, increasing the silica dust that you and your loved ones must breathe... unless Newberry's residents stop them. We do have the ability to do it.

    I hate to say it, but this logically falls to the Newberry CSD. Perhaps they can partially redeem their earlier Mammoth failure to protect Newberry from Clearway Energy.

    Will the CSD file an appeal? The problem with that is the Board members (minus Robert Springer) have all been named in an ongoing lawsuit brought by the previous General Manager, Jodi Howard. By now the Board would have spent tens of thousands of dollars defending themselves and the CSD.

    With the current flow of red ink, the CSD Board may not see the bigger picture.

    Their current legal expenditure is OK with the Board because most of the Board members are personally named. But will they spend more for the protection of the community? It would depend upon the Board members' moral character, and that is questionable.

    Has Jodi Howard taken the wind out of the CSD board? That remains to be seen. The appeal has to be filed within 10 days of the Planning Commission's decision on May 9th.

    There is a lot that the County has been doing wrong. My first letter to the LUSD planner regarding the BMT Minneola Solar project was in December 2023. I will share it here. If you bother to read it, share your thoughts.

    And better, contact the CSD and ask that they file an appeal. Don't expect others to do it for you. They won't. So let your voice be heard. CSD office: Wednesday - Friday, Noon to 4 P.M.

(760) 257-3613 or

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