Brad Mitzelfelt Bombs
In Newberry Springs

Mitzelfelt sputters in convincing locals.
He reportedly lost votes by attending the meeting.

YouTube short glimpses of Brad Mitzelfelt at meeting.

Meeting with Brad Mitzelfelt

      Brad Mitzelfelt, First District county supervisor and a congressional candidate, made a political stop attending the monthly so-called Newberry Springs property owners association.

      Property owners president, Spike Lynch, started the meeting stating that Mitzelfelt's visit was not a campaign stop; but that Mitzelfelt's presence was to inform his constituents of county government activities.  The statement later proved phony as was some of Mitzelfelt's claims.

      Mitzelfelt gave a 35 minute talk that sounded at times politically narcissistic.  His talk briefly touched upon many informative subjects.

Items included:
•  Brad starting the Barstow's Mud Run that morning.
•  Brad to visit Train Day in Needles later in the afternoon.
•  Brad personally knows the pistachio commercial twins.
•  Brad has assisted CSD formations.
•  Prolonged recession has declined county revenues.
•  Most regional parks are losing money.
•  $10 million for road upgrades in county.
•  Brad promotes route markers.
•  Brad got Ft. Irwin Road 32 call boxes through SANBAG (3 minutes).
•  Legislature has cut counties out of solar energy site control.
•  Brad wants solar plants sited so as not to impact tourism.
      (He doesn't have any say unless he is elected to Congress.  hint, hint )
•  Brad would like to see more desert fire stations.
•  Solar project lands, off roading, military exercise permits.
•  Brad's thoughts on mining.
•  County Vision - economic issues, trends, projections.
•  College course training available.
•  Equipment maintenance workers at Marine base are called artisans.
•  5,000 nonprofit organizations in county - Potential capacity building.
•  High Desert Resource Network might help.
•  Realignment - Impacts fire camps.  17,000+ felons in county control.

      The Supervisor's appearance became more lively when he opened to answer public questions.

Follow-up questions involved:

•   Request for Sheriff substation based in Newberry Springs and a narcotics task force based at the Marine Corps station.

•   Ruth Musser-Lopez spoke about Mitzelfelt taking credit for results that he only played a minor role in; and the massive Cadiz Water Project that is proposing to transport nearly a trillion of gallons of desert water to Orange County.  For those familiar with the project, Mitzelfelt lied in his responses to cover-up his complacency in a Memorandum of Understanding vote in which he has accepted over $48,000 from the principle developer.  (Note: Four days after the meeting, the Los Angeles Times featured the project as its principle front page story of the newspaper for May 16, 2012.)

•   Robert Berkman questioned Mitzelfelt on why he supported the water project when there is no long-term benefit to the county; but rather the loss of a precious natural resource necessary for the future needs of the county.

•   Bob Vasseur complained for 4 minutes about the proposed road paving in Newberry Springs, fearing that he may injure himself on his 1,000 pound bike; and that the proposed road materials are "toxic waste" (recycled I-40 roadbed) and may contaminate his well water.  He requested assurances that he would not break a leg on the newly placed pavement. (Note: Vasseur's road may not be one that is paved.  Currently, even the county does not know which roads will receive pavement, if any.  Vasseur's complaint may eliminate his road from consideration to the determent of his neighbors.  Pavement should raise adjacent property values.)

•   Ellen Johnson spoke regarding the 1985 Water Conservation Code that was later dropped in 2007.  Johnson spoke in favor of the code's reestablishment or having another enforceable water conservation plan.

•   Ted Stimpfel questioned Mitzelfelt about Mitzelfelt's cover-up statements of his Board vote supporting the MOU that transferred county authority to Orange County water proponents that makes the project extremely difficult to monitor or stop.  The MOU is one-sided, mandating extreme requirements before future supervisors could address problems; and usually only then by the filing of litigation.

•   Who is monitoring contaminated water in Hinkley and Barstow flowing towards Newberry Springs?

•   Large trash trucks are breaking through road crust and creating sand pits.

    Mitzelfelt tried to deflect the water questions with statements that the water developers have rights and that the county negotiated the best that it could.  Metzelfelt was not transparent that the developers only have those rights because Mitzelfelt led a Board vote that gave the developers those rights.  As Mitzelfelt has planned things, he expects to be in Congress; made possible with the water proponent's bribe money.

    On most of the other issues, Mitzelfelt deferred that the issues were controlled by others such as the Sheriff's department; or that he would make inquiries.

      As a lame duck Supervisor that is about to be replaced, his future county visions lacked luster to many in the audience.

      Some attendees stated that Mitzelfelt has lost their vote.

Brad Mitzelfelt
Metzelfelt did not appear truthful.
